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Route Planning Software - Boost Productivity By Creating the Most Economical Jobs with Just One Feature
Route Planning Software was developed to optimize your work schedules for each field worker in your business
We have developed the perfect scheduling feature for your field service business. Our Route Scheduling Software allows you to manage job scheduling while taking staff availability, travel distances, and worker range into account.
Route Planning helps in managing jobs more accurately as they come in. Some jobs may be more specific to a group of field workers, so our route planning feature will assign jobs to users based on the job type and pick the most economical appointment time for your users.
Clients who have already activated Route Planning have seen a massive difference in their business operations. Our Route Planning feature improves staff productivity, reduces mileage, saves fuel costs, increases work won, revenue, and much more!

Assign Jobs to Users According to Job Type
Some jobs may need a worker with a particular skill set or a specific person. Our Route Planning feature helps ensure you always assign jobs to the right users based on the skills required for a specific job type.

Save on Admin Time, Reduce Mileage & Fuel Costs
This feature can save you time in admin work as it automatically displays your workers' available appointment slots. You can then choose to assign the appointment to the worker who can attend the quickest or most economical route.
Our economical option will select the nearest available worker to the job to save on fuel costs and mileage and create the best route between jobs!

The Complete Business System
Some additional features that would benefit your business
Route Scheduling Software FAQs
Our clients have already given us some fantastic feedback on our Route Planning Software feature. See the statistics for yourself!
- On average, our clients have increased their number of jobs per day by 1.6 extra jobs a day
- Save around 1 hour per scheduler per day
- 21.5% Reduction in mileage & fuel costs